On August 12, at our annual TEC picnic, the Spirit of Tec 2018 winners were
announced. Each year, through pray and discernment, the board selects three members of the community who have shown committed service to (or as) the youth and young adults
of the Church, have contributed to the TEC ministry in a significant
way, and who are witnesses of the Paschal Mystery in their daily lives. We are happy to congratulate Mary Wojciechowski, Tom Kurtz, and Mike Giulivo as the 2018 Spirit of TEC award winners. Below you can read the beautiful words that were written about each of our winner. Please congratulate Mary, Tom and Mike should you see them!
Mary Wojciechowski
“When you know how much God is in love with you, then you can only live your life radiating that love.” This quote from Saint Teresa of Calcutta perfectly describes Mary Wojciechowski. She is a young women of great faith, radiating the love of Christ to everyone who encounters her. Mary assists the Northcoast Spirit TEC community, her parish, and the imprisoned with great devotion. She is always willing to help, offering her love, support, and prayers, no matter how busy she may be. Mary serves the NCS TEC community in many ways including working multiple TEC weekends and always being a helping hand, even though majority of her service will not be seen by others. Additionally, she lives out her faith both by being an active participant with Newman Campus Ministry and volunteering with parish youth ministry in our diocese. Mary lives out the important message from Saint Therese of Lisieux which teaches us to “Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” Mary is a radiating light of Christ in not only our community, but the greater Church as well. We are truly thankful for the gift of Mary. It is an honor for NCS TEC to present the 2018 Spirit of TEC award to Mary Wojciechowski."
Mike Giulivo
"Most saints have a notable quote attributed to them. St. Joseph, husband of Mary, has no attributed quotes. He is a man of quiet action, taking Mary into his home, protecting the holy family, and teaching Jesus in faith and trade. This year’s Spirit of TEC winner, Mike Giulivo, has modeled his life after St. Joseph, quiet action, with dedication to faith and family. Mike quietly serves as husband to the Facilitator. He has helped set up ever weekend and clean up from every TEC weekend. He helps sort and organize bins, shop for supplies, and do the laundry generated in each weekend. He is a family man, supporting his wife and children. Mike leads and protects his family. The greatest role he has is of husband, father, and grandfather. He also encourages people around him to experience TEC. Mike embraces his OPEC status. He dives into whatever role asked of him, and makes the OPECs more comfortable opening up. He is a father figure to many teens on the retreat, and will check in and pray for them. In addition to his service to TEC, Mike is active in his parish, St. Charles Borromeo. He leads a men’s faith group and sings in the choir. Mike is content to never be recognized and serve. He can often be heard saying, “It isn’t about me.” For his quiet action, NCS TEC is happy to recognize Mike Giulivo as Spirit of TEC winner."
Tom Kurtz
"Be hospitable to one another without complaining. As each
one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s
varied grace”. 1 Peter 4: 9-10. Tom Kurtz, a loving and participating member of
North Coast Spirit Tec truly embodies the above bible verses. Tom has been a
member of the TEC community for over 10 years, after he begrudgingly agreed to
go on a retreat with the word “teen” in it after the urgings of his teenage
son. Tom’s journey with TEC was just beginning after his initial retreat. Since
then, he has worked 7 retreats, has introduced countless friends and family to
TEC, and has played an integral role in serving the community through prayer
and generosity in the forms of time, talent, and treasure. With his positive
attitude and a personality that people gravitate towards, Tom continues to
shine the light of Christ to the community whenever he is present. Outside of
TEC, Tom is a daily mass attender, a devout rosary pray-er and a loving friend
and father. He is a blessing to so many and through his selflessness and
kindness, has changed many people’s lives for the better. It is with great joy
to present the 2018 Spirit of Tec award to Tom Kurtz."
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