Wednesday, May 9, 2018

A Welcome Letter from Our Chairperson

Back in January, Katherine Komar became our new Chairperson for North Coast TEC. Since then, Katherine has been a wonderful re-addition to our Board and a co-leader of our community. 

See below a long awaited welcome letter that Katherine would like to share with all of us:

"Dear TEC community,
   Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! What a joy it is to raise our voices in Alleluia once again! It feels like forever and no time since I became chairperson in January (sorry this is so late). I feel so honored and humbled to serve the community. In October 2002, I made TEC #59 as a senior in high school. The nerd I was had concerns about missing school on Friday to make the retreat, and ironically, it was my parents who were fine with my skipping class. However, the weekend was amazing and I was thrilled to have been there and be part of the community. Reflecting over my time in TEC, I was trying to decide my favorite part, but I couldn’t pick just one, so my two favorite parts of the TEC community these past 15 years, are the intergenerational family that is created and our devotion to our Eucharistic Lord. We come together from all walks of life, locations, ages and places on our spiritual journey to support each other and grow closer to God.  In a time when our culture tends to encourage the separation of the generations, I love how teens, young adults and adults come together. I still have fond memories of working a TEC where three grandmas came, because their grandchildren wanted to share what they had experienced. What a joy it was to see those ladies who were continuing to strive to listen to the Lord’s call in their lives! They witnessed for all - tecites and team alike - that the Christian life truly is a journey we live our entire lives. Central to that journey as Catholic Christians is the Eucharist. Whether it is on a weekend or at a FOP/XLT, making time to be present before Christ in the Eucharist is a priority in the community. Welcoming those who have never experienced adoration, coming back after a time away or regularly meeting Jesus in the Host, adoration is central to who we are and why we exist. How blessed it is to gather together and offer Him, who has given us everything, praise and thanksgiving, while also entrusting our pains, sorrows, struggles and wounds to Him who is the Divine Healer that He may provide help, whether directly or through others.
While I was working TEC 120, the Lord reminded me how truly blessed we are in this community. Throughout the weekend I was reminded of just how many people come together so others may encounter the risen Lord! We often think of how we share Christ when we are working and we do - how wonderful that we can be physically present to the tecites and walk with them. Yet, while working and maybe because when you are in charge you feel the pressure and responsibility a bit more, the Lord awakened in my heart such a gratitude for all those who serve from home on the weekend. I feel 100% confident saying, TEC wouldn’t be the same without you! The prayers and sacrifices of the community are felt so tangibly by those on the weekend. Whether people pray at work, school, home, the Die Day service, drop off forgotten supplies, help care for children, cover work shifts, and the plethora of other services done by those not physically present for the weekend it is that sacrificial love that makes TEC so blessed. The joy with which others undertake these “lower places” as Christ says in the Scriptures truly brings the greatest glory, for the team and tecites wouldn’t have the weekend they do without you. For, “Unless a grain of wheat falls
to the ground and dies, it remains, but a single grain. But if it dies, it bears
much fruit.” John 12:24 Thank you for embodying the Paschal Mystery, so that through death you and others may rise to new life!
Know of my prayers for each of you, your loved ones and intentions.

In Christ’s Love,
Katherine Komar, TEC #59"

Please keep Katherine in your prayers as she continues to minister to us as a faithful servant of Christ!!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful letter from a wonderful person. Katherine, you hit the nail on the head with your comments regarding the "intergenerational" aspect I often tell people about TEC and how many 18, year old I consider close friends
