Saturday, July 13, 2019

FORMED Friday: July 12th - Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: Man of the Beatitudes

Hello TEC Community and welcome to FORMED Fridays on the TEC blog! As some of you may know the diocese recently offered a one-year FREE subscription to FORMED which is a digital platform full of resources to help us grow in our faith including videos, talks, Bible studies, audiobooks, books, series such as 33-Days to Morning Glory and prayer guides - pray rosaries, sing the Divine Mercy chaplet or listen to reflections on the Sunday readings on the go. (Think CD/book racks in the back of church for FREE and on your smartphone, tablet or computer!!! They have resources for all ages and interests. On Go Day, we encourage you to Go Forth and share what you have received, but also continue to grow in your faith and relationship with Jesus. FORMED is a great resource to help you, so each Friday we will highlight an offering on FORMED that you might like to check out. (For those not sure how to access FORMED see info after our pick of the week.)

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
Man of the Beatitudes
By: Fr Tim Deeter
This talk reminds me that no matter where we or anyone else is in our lives are, God can use our lives for greatness, if we just remain open and ask for it (and ask for it on the behalf of others who for whatever reason aren’t asking for themselves.)
Let’s be real living the truths of Christ in the world is really hard. Modern culture says we are not loving, we are not caring, we are not ….. fill-in-the-blank. But Christ tells us not to fear and not to give up. In the life of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati we are given a great gift - a saint (well on his way) of modern times - who knew the struggle of living faith in the modern world, but not being controlled by the world. Blessed Pier Giorgio is known for being that person everyone wanted to hangout with, yet he stayed true to the truths of Christ and had a good time with his friends. Through his actions and life, he brought many to see the face of Christ. All this happened to a man who was raised in a family who barely practiced their faith.

Bonus in this talk - True story out of Detroit (you can still listen if you are from Ohio) Bryan was raised in a well-off family, captain of the basketball team, excellent student and good looking. In addition, he was also drinking, cursing, partying, and having sex. So it was a bit of a shock to all when he announced he was going to the seminary. In the seminary, he didn’t really change his behaviors til one day on retreat at the end of the first year Bryan had a conversion experience, which radically changed his life. To find out more listen to the talk.

Recommended by: Katherine Komar, Chairperson

In the coming weeks, more talks will be recommended by other board members AND community members are invited to also submit suggestions - we will work to provide a wide variety of suggestions. Suggestions submissions may be done here: FORMED suggestions

For those who aren’t sure what FORMED is check this out. To sign up you need your parishes code - some rolled it out around Ash Wednesday through Easter time. If you are not sure - my first recommendation growing up in a digital age would be to google “Formed” and your parish’s name. That might take you to a page with your parish link/directions on how to sign up. If you can’t find that I recommend you contact your parish office or your parish priest (for some of you this may be scary, but you can do it. - You aren’t asking for the moon - this was free for them and how encouraging for the staff and priests to know people are interested in growing in their faith!)